Learn by Play Alphabet is a learning game for children, ages 5 though 7 that are learning how to read. By coupling learning with play, fun, game, challenge and discovery, learning becomes easier and rewarding.
The game is made of letter and image-cards. By pairing letter and image-cards, children learn to recognize starting letters of a word and associate the corresponding alphabet letter to them. Many variations of varying degree of diffculty exist. As a parent, you can adjust the level of difficulty to fit your child’s ability. Feel free to use your imagination and inspiration to find your own unique variations of the challenges.
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There are approximately 300 image-cards in the entire game, divided into 7 modules.
There are 26 letter-cards, for each letter of the alphabet.
There approximately 300 word-cars matching each of the image-cards.
Learn to associate letters to images.
Learn to recognize lower- and upper-case letters.
Learn to recognize words and images.
Start with simple, one-card matching
Progress to more-than-one card matching
Advance to multiple card matching
Practice letter recognition at the beginning of words or inside words.
Learn to identify words with pictures and complete missing letters in words.
Practice spelling of words in crosswords and in jumbled words.
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